Petgy – Állatkereskedések és szolgáltatások Elementor WordPress téma
og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

Változási napló
1.2 - 7/1/2025 Updated: - Schemes color in widget elementor - Elementor meta data controler - WooCommerce outdate template - Enqueue swiper slider - Compatible with the latest WordPress version 6.7.1 - Compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce plugin - Import data xml - product item style in edit elementor mode 9.5.1 - Slider revolution update version 6.7.25 - Import data xml
1.1 - 9/1/2024 Updated: - Change query get elementor library for import demo data all language - Compare popup in base-control and woocommerce-control - WooCommerce outdate template - Compatible with the latest WordPress version 6.4.2 - Compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce plugin 8.4 - Slider revolution update version 6.6.18
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